Need support overcoming early challenges in your new business? We’ll help you work out those inevitable glitches and niggles.

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Breakthrough supports new and early-stage businesses with a range of business support. Kicking off with a workshop coupled with quality time with an experienced Business Development Manager, who’ll help you through any challenges your business is facing.

Marketing and Minimum Viable Product

We will start by looking at your own strengths as a business owner – what does success look like for you and your business? We’ll help you highlight your key skills and main areas of interest for running your business. We’ll also look at how to create a sustainable business model.

The Person and Business Modelling

The third session will help you review your marketing channels to figure out what works and to make sure you’re getting the most from precious, limited resources.

The Customer and Value Proposition

We’ll help you identify how your business really adds value to your customers. Plus how to group or segment these different customers (and their needs) to help you create meaningful messages.

Revenue Streams and Cost Structure

Finally, financials that work for all: ensuring customers are happy with the value you offer and pay well for it, generating sufficient income to keep your business growing.

Breakthrough success story: Senara Occupational Therapy

Breakthrough success story: Senara Occupational Therapy

Embarking on a journey of business growth delivered through support and one-to-one guidance has never been truer than for Senara Occupational Therapy. This is their success story.

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